Jasmina Mironski is an associate professor at the Institute of Communication Studies. She has decades of experience working in Journalism and Media. She has worked as a trainer for PR and Journalism with the Macedonian Institute of Media and was an Editori in Chief of respectable news agencies and newspaper in the country. She was also a regional correspondent of France Press Agency from 1991 – 2018. Mironski has expeirnce as a PR expert for NGOs and companies and PR courses for different target groups, including spokespersons of various ministries, mayors, young population, economists, employed in local municipalities, religious groups, lawyers, judges as well as creating communication strategies for Governmental institutions and NGOs. She obtained her PhD in Political Science at the University St. Kiril and Metodij in Skopje, in 2012.

Ass. Dr Dušanka Cvijanović