Dr. Sci. Lejla Turčilo is a full-time professor at the Department of Communication Science/ Journalism at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo, where she teaches courses in Media Theory, TV Journalism, Online Journalism and Media and Politics at the undergraduate and master’s degree level and Creation of New Public by PR and Online Media and Media and Communication in the Post-truth Society at the Doctoral Study. She has published four authored books, seven co-authored books, as well as one manual and five research publications. She has published more than forty scientific and professional papers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, France, Belgium, Germany, USA, and Colombia. She has participated in more than fifty scientific and professional conferences, symposia and congresses in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. She is the head of the Center for Lifelong Learning at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo and the head of the Department of Communication Science/ Journalism.

Prof. Dr Sci. Lejla Turčilo
Bosnia and Herzegovina